December 2021

Tonight, I look at my Te Waka Toi Ngā Karahipi award from many moons ago. It sits on the wall to the right of me. It was a surprise for me to be awarded this emerging artist award. I felt so much that I was only at the beginning of my journey as a writer, and I was already recognised in my infancy. It scared me to think what others would want or need from me through it. It played on my mind, and still does, that I had this great vision, but was I disciplined enough to fill it… It has sat there on the wall since I set up my home office 3 years ago. Most days or nights...

Kei te tīmatanga. Kei te pō te tīmatatanga o te waiatatanga mai a te atua, ko te ao, ko te ao mārama, ko te ao tūroa. I started at university at 18 wanting to be an educational psychologist. Listening to Moana Maniopoto’s show, tonight, another great kōrero, it is liberating to hear that Donna Awatere Huata studied and started as an Educational Psychologist. It is liberating to hear, that Moana wanted to be an Educational Psychologist like her, but due to circumstances she turned to training to be a lawyer and, by divine intervention a great singer and lyricist. This is also where my journey is different too, from my beginnings. When I did my first year at Uni training as an Educational...